Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Beginning ...

I started thinking about how cool it would be to own and drive a military Jeep. They just look cool. A guy I know has one and when I saw it, it really whetted my appetite. So around the end of the year in 2006, I started looking for one (anticipating my bonus to arrive in Jan 2007 ...) and ended up finding quite a few suspects.

One that really struck me was a Jeep that was listed on e-Bay, with a bunch of spare parts. I put in a reasonable bid, expecting to go to bed and find that I had been out-bid when I woke up in the am, but to my suprise, I won!

In late January 2007, I convinced my brother to make the trip up to NC with his HD pickup and trailer to help me get the Jeep back home. When we arrived to pick it up, it was in better shape than I expected, with more/better parts, and to top it off, it was a Marine Corps Jeep - nice!

So here is my place to chronicle my restoration of the 1953 USMC M38A1 military Jeep. I'll try to keep this up to date with my progress and some pictures as I go along.

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